Family Stories


10 year old Elsa’s life changed suddenly when her younger sister died in a tragic accident. Daisy’s Dream were contacted by the school their school to find out what support we could offer the family, and the whole school community. Our initial work was with the school and the community. We provided resources and training and arranged a meeting for parents to give advice on how to speak with their children and help them understand what had happened to their friend.

In time we started meeting with Elsa on a regular basis. We took time to think about her sister and the things they enjoyed doing together. We spoke about the day her sister died and the things she was feeling now. She came along to one of our groups where she met other children who had also been bereaved, which helped her see that she wasn’t alone.

The work we do with Elsa may take several sessions, or she may only need us for a few weeks. In time she may have more questions and need support again, or her parents might want to talk to us about helping her through a particular issue. It is vital that Daisy’s Dream can provide a flexible service that reflects the needs of the families we are supporting, everyone deals with grief differently and so we need to be able to help people in different ways.

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