How we work

The death or serious illness of someone close can have a devastating effect on a child or young person. With the right support and information however, children and young people can be helped to understand what has happened and learn to move forward in a positive way.

All of our team approach our work in a flexible, child-led way. This ensures a bespoke response to each young person. Children and young people that are referred to us will be dealing with a range of issues, including anger, guilt, grief, isolation and relationship struggles and our team are skilled at dealing with these types of behaviours.

As a small charity our services are often in high demand. The following structure has been put in place to allow us to offer support that best meets the needs of the families that are referred to us. This means our service will have greater capacity to continue working with children and young people who require our support.

View our safeguarding policy

About Daisy's Dream
How we work

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